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Madi's Wonderful WebPage!

Hullo, and welcome to my site! Thanks for popping in!

Hi, My name is Madison Leigh David


I am 16 years old and a sophomore in highschool

I play tennis, the piano and am learning the guitar, and i like to watch movies and listen to music, amd hang out with friends.

What is my favorite...

Food: chips and queso, and chocolate chip cookies with milk, o and doug's frito pie

Movie: Garden State, Pirates of the Carribbean, Dazed and Confused, The Notebook

Bands: The Postal Service, Coldplay, Ben Harper, 50 cent, Death Cab For Cutie, Jack Johnson, Dr.Dre, Dave Mathews Band

Actor: Johnny Depp

Drink: Peach Tea

Place: my comfy bed, the beach

My Beauuuutiful Prom Dress



One of my favorite stores


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